Mini Natal Chart Analysis


Understand the energies of your Sun, Moon, Rising and Venus signs.


The position of the astral bodies at the exact time of your birth provides you with a blueprint of the soul contract you have drawn up for yourself for this life experience. By understanding this blueprint and the energies at play, you can identify why you may feel challenged in some areas of your life and how to move toward the path you chose prior to arriving for this journey.

The big three areas of your chart are your Sun, Moon, and Rising Sign.

The Luminaries – the Sun and Moon represent everything that is essential to you in this human experience, the Sun is your lifeforce representing the core energy of who you are, and how you express yourself. Your Moon is your feelings, emotions, and instincts and where you find your emotional security and what truly feeds your heart and soul. Your rising sign or ascendant, is always in the 1st house, the house of self, self-image, identity, personality, and physical body.

The rising sign is the overall chart ruler, so this is the energy that will impact your entire life direction as it will ask you to push out of our comfort zone, which brings empowerment.  

Venus’ energy is that of the heart, what you love, value and find pleasure in, it is also the energy of attraction, this energy influences who and what you fall in love with. Undertanding the placement of Venus within your birth chart allows you to better understand why you love, how you love, what you love, and how you want this reciprocated.

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