Spiritual Intelligence & Clair Assessment

Access the Spiritual Intelligence
& Clair Assessment

Rate each statement from 1 (Never) to 5 (Always) based on your experience.

Spiritual Intelligence Assessment

Clair Assessment

Assessment Results

Understanding Your Spiritual Intelligence & Clair Results

Understanding Your Results

Spiritual Intelligence Levels:

Early Awakening: Recognising spiritual intelligence. Focused on personal values, self-reflection, and understanding one's place in the world.

Strengthening the Connection: Deepening intuition and alignment. Developing a sense of connection to something larger than oneself, exploring spiritual practices, and seeking meaning in life experiences.

Sovereignty in Motion: Living in full flow with wisdom and authenticity. Deepening connection to the universe, experiencing states of unity consciousness, and embodying compassion and wisdom.

Descriptions of the Clairs:

Clairvoyance: You receive mental images, symbols, or visions that provide deep insight.

Clairaudience: You hear inner messages, guidance, or intuitive words that assist you.

Clairsentience: You strongly feel the emotions and energy of others without them saying anything.

Claircognizance: You just 'know' things without having learned them through logical means.

Clairgustance: You occasionally sense tastes or smells that hold intuitive meaning.