Sagittarius New Moon;Embrace Expansion and Adventure

The New Moon in Sagittarius on December 1, 2024, ushers in a vibrant, expansive energy that encourages optimism, adventure, and a renewed sense of purpose. Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, is the sign of truth-seeking, exploration, and big-picture thinking. This New Moon invites you to set intentions that align with your higher vision and embrace opportunities for growth and freedom.

It’s a perfect time to reflect on your personal beliefs, embrace new possibilities, and dream big. Sagittarius energy urges you to step out of your comfort zone and say “yes” to life’s adventures.

Key Themes:

  1. Vision and Expansion: Sagittarius encourages long-term thinking and dreaming beyond current limitations.

  2. Adventure and Curiosity: This is the time to plan new adventures, whether through travel, learning, or new experiences.

  3. Authenticity and Truth: Ask yourself if your current path aligns with your deepest truth and values.

  4. Optimism and Faith: The Sagittarius New Moon reminds us to trust in the universe and embrace life’s journey with hope and positivity.

Journal Prompts:

What big dreams or goals feel exciting but a little scary? How can you take a first step toward them?

Where in your life are you seeking more freedom or expansion?

What beliefs or habits do you need to release to embrace your full potential?

What truth about yourself or your journey has recently become clear, and how can you honour it?

If there were no limits, what vision would you create for your life in the coming year?

Sagittarius New Moon Ritual

Prepare by cleansing your space with sage, palo santo, or incense and arrange items that embody Sagittarius energy: symbols of adventure (maps, compass), candles, and anything representing fire or the archer.

Gather Materials:

    • A fire-safe bowl or cauldron.

    • Small pieces of paper or bay leaves.

    • A pen or marker.

    • Matches or a lighter.

    • Essential oils (e.g., clove, frankincense, or cinnamon).

    • Crystals associated with Sagittarius (e.g., turquoise, amethyst, or citrine).

Ritual Steps:

  1. Set Your Intention:

    • Begin by grounding yourself. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths.

    • Reflect on Sagittarius themes: optimism, truth-seeking, adventure, and freedom. Ask yourself, What do I want to expand or explore in my life?

  2. Write and Release:

    • Write down anything holding you back (limiting beliefs, fears, or habits) on small pieces of paper.

    • On separate pieces of paper or bay leaves, write your intentions for growth, exploration, and abundance.

  3. Burn to Transform:

    • Light a candle (representing Sagittarius' fire element) and place your fire-safe bowl nearby.

    • Burn the papers with limiting beliefs one at a time, saying:
      "I release what no longer serves me. I make space for new opportunities and expansion."

    • Watch the smoke rise, visualising your obstacles dissipating.

  4. Ignite Intentions:

    • Burn your intentions (paper or bay leaves) next, saying:
      "With the energy of this Sagittarius New Moon, I ignite my dreams and step boldly into my future."

    • Imagine these desires taking root and growing.

  5. Meditation and Gratitude:

    • Sit in meditation, focusing on the flame of the candle. Visualise your intentions coming to life.

    • Close the ritual by expressing gratitude for the New Moon's energy and the support of the universe.

After the Ritual:

Keep a journal of your intentions to track progress throughout the lunar cycle. Place the remnants of the ashes outdoors as a symbolic offering to the earth.

This ritual aligns beautifully with Sagittarius energy, helping you release what limits you and embrace bold new adventures.


Full Moon in Gemini: A Time to Release and Realign


"Full Moon in Taurus – November 2024: Harnessing Practicality and Prosperity"